Tuesday, December 4, 2007

embarassing things I did today

Number One: I just finished up the most random and confusing IM conversation of my life, thinking I was talking to one friend but really not talking to her at all. I could have been talking to someone in Papua New Guinea for all I know. How'd I do it? Well, I thought I'd added my friend's IM name onto my buddylist correctly but... guess what... I didn't. So I started talking to her and for a hot sec it was making sense b/c I think these two peeps might be kinda similar (random and weird AGAIN!) and then she was like "did you get the math homework?" and I'm like WHAT the bananas? And THEN the friend who i THOUGHT I was talking to showed up on GChat and started talking to me THERE and I was like huh? but I thought we were just doing a double-communication thing. We weren't.
what the heck.

Number Two: Got back from work at school number two today and realized that I'd left my teaching book there. This teaching book contains notes from every class that I teach describing what we did for the day and what we should do next week. It also has random notes like "why the bleep does this teacher leave this class?" "oh my god, she took out her cell phone in the middle of class! oh no she didn't!" and "[bleep] she just saw me texting. [bleep]"

It's been an awesome day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So speaking of embarrassing and confusing, I'm subbing today and was like ten minutes late because L'Anse Creuse is ENORMOUS. So I rushed up here--and another teacher was in here. He told me I don't really have to come back until 3rd hour. I'm hanging out in the conference room next to the classroom.

I'm confused. I think he's a co-teacher?

