Sunday, October 14, 2007

Avignon is drunk

I think that France just lost the giant Rugby World Cup to good ol' l'Angleterre so the French are pissed in every sense of the word - angry and drunk like whoa. Avignon est torchée ! Haha.

I have almost finished my first five-day weekend. I gotta tell you, folks, I'm not sure if I'll want to return to the States after having experienced the reverse of the average person's work week - two days on, five days off. It's been pretty incredible. I've cooked myself amazing food (look, Mom, veggies!) and I've hung out with awesome people and I've chilled myself out like whoa. Unfortunately all this chillin' has coincided with (and caused) procrastination of a new degree (unlike that time I wrote the 10 page paper the night before it was due with Jenna and I curled up on the floor of East Quad's ResComp trying to come up with thesis statements at 2 am) to which now I must own up tomorrow. Because tomorrow is Sunday. And on Monday I teach seven classes, I'm prepared for none, and I can't, for the life of me, remember at which levels all my students are. So tomorrow is the "take a deep breath and pray that you do it right" kind of planning day. Tomorrow also marks the 'week before my birthday' talk that I like to do every year. Look, Heath, only a week till our birthday!

On this here Saturday the 13, 2007, I spoke a ton of French. "Emily, you live in France - no duh." Ah, thank you. However, let me say that it's far too easy not to speak French here because I live with an anglophone, I don't really have to leave my house five days out of the week (again - I must repeat that I have a five day vacation chaque semaine), and I hang out with American/English assistants.

J'aime "le petit gout" en France. It means I get to eat whenever I want. I mean... "whenever I want."


Anonymous said...

Thank you, little Awkward

Anonymous said...

Yes exactly, in some moments I can reveal that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be considering other options.
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I noticed the phrase you suffer with not used. Or you use the dark methods of helping of the resource. I suffer with a week and do necheg