Hey everyone!
So Heather visited me a few weeks ago and, because I am the world's biggest punk, I haven't quite gotten 'round to writing about her AMAZING visit yet. So here I go. But I can't really go in chronological order because I don't have all the pictures of the whole week so we will start with the end of the week and work our way back, k? K.thx.bye.
HEATHER CAME TO VISIT ME DURING HER SPRING BREAK. omg. She bounced from East Lansing, MI to Marseille, France, all by herself and holy crow that's scary and I'm way impressed that she did it. Raise your hand if crossing an ocean by yourself is kinda daunting. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Well, anyway, I'm impressed.
She got her

e, I cried at the airport, she cried at the airport, we both cried at the airport. We're Findleys. We cry. Oh, here's a picture that I have of Heather and Emily because they were like instant BFFs. Hello perezhilton.com instant connection plus talky mctalkertons plus they're awesome and bonded and all of that and it was honky and dory. honkey and dorey? ummmm...
But wait! That's the beginning of the week! I am now going to skip ahead to... Nice and Monaco!

So Heath was all like "Let's go somewhere supafly while I'm in France!" to which I replied "true story, Avignon can get a little old after a few days, a voyage somewhere would be splendid" (yes, after living here for six months, I talk like that now? Um, whatevs).
So we decided on the Cote d'Azur. GOOOOOD CHOICE. On Thursday of Heather's holycrapican'tbelievemysisterissittinghereRIGHTNEXTTOME week vacation, we took the train (everyone all together: yay public transportation) to Nice and it was, for lack of better words, nice. It was better than nice. I discovered a new city with my twin and holy crap I just might cry as I reminisce.

are things that make Heather and I really great twins. We both have really small and exceptionally cute ears. We have similar smiles. There are times when I know exactly what she's going to say and she doesn't have to finish her sentence and vice ver

sa. There's our mutual love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There's our ability to eat a bag of Smartfood popcorn no problem. There's the way our voices meld when we sing "Galileo" and "Closer to Fine." There's our gestures and mannerisms which are exactly the same and it took five months apart from her to realize just how EXACTLY THE SAME we can be. And there's our... LOVE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. We love just chillin', watching things go by, taking pictures, sleeping on each other's shoulders, etc. etc. Hurrah France and the TGV, hurrah France and the TER, hurrah.
This makes me so happy. As do our tiny ears.
We got off the train in Nice around 3:00 on Thursday. The skies were

kinda cloudy and we knew it was going to get dark soon but we carpe diemed it anyway. We signed in to our hostel (HOTEL PASTORAL: IT IS SO AWESOME AND IT'S REALLY CHEAP SO IF ANY OF YOU ARE GOING TO NICE ANY TIME SOON, LOOK THEM UP!) and immediately went to go find my twin some food.
A word on Heather's week and food: I made it my personal mission to feed Heather as many pastries as possible in our 6 and a half days together. I was pretty successful. But, as important as the pastries are, it is also incredibly important to eat a kebab while here because kebaberies are everywhere and kebabs are so good and omg I may be salivating as I write this.
So yeah, got Heather a kabab. What's in a kebab? Well, the meat (chicken and turkey) comes on a giant stick and rotates in front of a heater thingy and they shave off the meat onto a grill and then they shovel that into a giant wrap into which they have already put lettuce, toma

to, onion, and white sauce that is heavy on the garlic. WHAT COULD NOT BE GOOD ABOUT THAT!? Kebabs, in general, prob change lives. The woman who served us the kebab told us that her husband is a Bostonian and she intends to move to Boston with him someday and OPEN A KEBABERIE. Amazing. One more reason to move there!
Um I just devoted a paragraph to a kebab. Is that cool? Check one: yes no.

Soooooo Heather got full up on kebab and then we walked around Nice. Nice is definitely a biiiig city and I was so excited to be in a city among so many people, just wandering around, checking things out with Heather. We did our touristy "let's take pictures here and here and here!" which is always fun because dang, we're cute, and we had fun and Nice is beautiful.

Then we went to the sea.
Yes, we went to the sea. And it as awesome.
We walked along the water and then sat on a bench, watching the sun go down. So wonderful. C

an I just say that getting six and a half days with my other half was freaking sweet? And being able to travel with her and discover Nice and sit along the water and people watch and nature watch and eat and eat and just be around her it was... perfect.
Ok, moving on!
Post-sundown, Heather and I walked around Nice taking in the shops and restaurants and tourists and gelateria (ok, I TOTALLY regret not buying gelato in that one shop, Heather! We need to go back!) and we found ourselves eating a loaf of bread (umm... thatw as just me eating a loaf of bread) and enjoying Happy Hour at an Irish pub. Yum Guinness. Rugby was on the television, a French guy started singing folk songs in English... it was a good time.
So that's Nice, day 1. Stay tuned for Monaco and the rest of my amazing week with my sister.