Sunday, May 18, 2008

Community Events

What up, what up!
It's May 18th. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Hours till I wake up: 12.
Hours till I start teaching: 15.
Hours I'll stay awake tonight thinking about how I have to teach in the morning: 3.
Hours of sleep I'll get: 4?
Days till my parents get here: 10!
Days my parents are visiting: 14!

Ok so.
In the past few days I have been ALL UP in various communities. What, pray tell, does that mean? Well, Friday night, my Dad managed to Skype me into the All Saints May Coffeehouse that he organized... It was AWESOME. At 1:30 am I signed online, it was 7:30 their time, I was able to see my church family via computer and they all saw me on the GIANT SCREEN Dad apparently put up in the undercroft. I'm imagining Star Trek and being beamed in, are you?
So I said hello to all my church family that I've been missing since I've been here and then I sang for them. How sweet is that? Three years ago? Not possible. Today? Totally possible. I sang for them my new song and then Dad turned the camera on him and I got to hear him and Lisa sing some Van Morrison and it was, all around, so very cool. Made me even more excited to go home and see everyone. It was also just sweet to participate in the first international All Saints Coffeehouse. Hurrah technology!
That was Friday.
Last night (Saturday) was La Nuit des Musees here in Avignon: many Avignonnaise museums were open to the public for free/reduced rates from 8pm-midnight. How cool is that!? This little city was hoppin' and boppin' and everyone (gmas and lil' kids alike) were rollin' around town checking out old stuff. I went into la Musee Lapidinaire and saw hierorglypics. Raise your hand if you can spell that word on the first try! Anyone? Anyone?
But I'd only gotten 4 hours of sleep on Friday night so I didn't make it to any other museum. But what a cool community event!
Today was one of the cooler things I've done in Avignon: free kayak/canoe thing on Le Rhone! All of Avignon was invited! All we had to do was get ourselves to the island, get a life jacket and get into a kayak! Robyn and I double-kayaked our way back and forth between the two bridges for an hour and it was awesome on multiple levels. Awesome for the tan, awesome for the arms, awesome for the community.

It's stuff like this that makes me really happy - people being out and about, doing (free) stuff that benefits everyone and it's all just for the experience. No profit, nothing really to gain except a good time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.