Thursday, September 27, 2007

First French meal!

First French meal

The first French meal that I have eaten in Avignon DEFINITELY deserves it’s own entry. From start to finish.

Well, first off, I was late to my first-ever French meal. I was at another assistant’s house and she was being awesome and helping me out. I was to go to Mikael’s for dinner and Darija left before me because she was hungry. As she left I said “save some for me!” and we parted ways. Well, over an hour later I got back to Mikaela’s (I’ll admit to getting totally lost in Avignon in the dark for awhile) and there were Mikaela and Darija sitting at the dinner table waiting for me. Oh, the shame! But then we got down to business.

Tortilla chips (hello, USA!)

Pumpkin/squash soup

Chicken in a mustard-y sauce
Mashed potatoes
Green beans
More pumpkin/squash thingy
Rose wine with the meal

Salad with a really great light dressing
Cheese – I forgot the type (sorry!)

Plum and apple custard thing
Vanilla ice cream


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