Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Reactions to living in France

Word's been spreading about my upcoming life in France for quite some time now. I started talking about the possibility of a teaching assistantship there in December when I first heard of the program, then more in February as I actually got my act together and applied, and finally a ton when I got my acceptance letter in May. Over the summer I spent a lot of time at GLWD printing out news/info on the program, researching what (very little) I know about France and my teeny village of Sorgues, and checking out assistantsinfrance.com for contacts with people/stories/helpful hints, etc. Now I talk about France all the time (obviously) and especially in the past few days, as I've been saying a fresh round of goodbyes and thinking about how much I'm going to miss EL/my family/my friends/the life with which I am familiar.

But I'd like to take a moment and discuss the reactions that I've received from people when they've heard I'm doing this nine-month teaching extravaganza in the south of France.
"Oooh you'll be in Paris! You'll absolutely love it!"
------> I'm going to be in the South. Thus, emilieausud.blogspot.com :)
"Emily, you better watch out, you're going to get fat from all the baguettes and the 'fromage!'"
------> thank you - I was trying not to take my American-bred body image issues over to France but methinks they'll be following me
"Drink some wine for me!"
-------> If it's not red, no problem!
"Beware of the creepy French men!"
-------> With my current haircut, I might be mistaken for one of those men
"Have an amazing time, Emily! Um, what are you doing when you get back?"
-------> Good question, my friend, good question.

And here's my favorite:
"Oh, the south of France, eh? That's where all the terrorists are. You better watch out."
This was said to me by a customer at Baskin Robbins. I think I responded with something like "Um, ok. Would you like one scoop or two?"

And here are my reactions to going to France:
"Holy crap I can't believe they accepted me. Do they know I haven't spoken French in two years?"
"Sorgues... Sorgues... where the hell is Sorgues?"
"Bye bye, bling."
"Two weeks vacation for every six weeks I work? I haven't been this lazy in my entire life!"
"Nine months is a long time... I could get pregnant and have a baby in nine months!"
"I hope they have spicy nacho Doritos over there... I hope I hope I hope."
"If I don't come back fluent I'm gonna punch my own self in the ovaries."

It's Tuesday an 2:00 am. 35 hours till I'm in New York!

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